15+ Types of Explainer Videos & When To Use Them (+ Examples)

types of explainer videos
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Are you looking to spice up your marketing strategy with engaging and dynamic content? Look no further than explainer videos! With over 15 types of explainer videos to choose from, the possibilities are endless. Whether you want to simplify a complex concept, showcase a product or service, or boost your brand awareness, there’s an explainer video for every occasion.

Here, I’ll explore the various types of explainer videos, including animated ones, and when to use them, complete with real-life examples to inspire and enlighten you. So, continue reading!

Key Points:

  • Explainer videos encompass a range of formats including animated videos, live-action videos, whiteboard animations, and 3D animations.
  • These videos effectively simplify complex concepts and educate audiences quickly.
  • Different types of explainer videos serve different marketing goals, such as increasing conversions, explaining products/services, or building brand awareness.
  • Selection of the video type should align with the preferences and demographics of your target audience.
  • Platform suitability should also be considered when deploying explainer videos, as different formats may perform better on specific platforms depending on engagement factors and audience behavior.

15+ Types of Explainer Videos & When To Use Them (+ Examples)

Explainer videos are a powerful tool for different types of businesses to communicate their message effectively. According to professionals, “Explainer videos come in all shapes and sizes, from live-action to animation, and each serves a unique purpose.” This means the versatility of explainer videos and how they can be focused to suit different types of needs and goals.

Now, let me share 15+ types of explainer videos and when to use them:

#1. Animated Explainer Videos

Animated explainer videos are a fantastic tool for breaking down intricate ideas or procedures into easy-to-understand visuals. Imagine trying to explain a complex concept using only words – it can be quite challenging. However, with animated explainer videos, you can visually illustrate these concepts in a fun and engaging manner. 

This not only simplifies the information but also makes it more enjoyable and memorable for the audience. So, whether you are trying to explain a difficult topic to your team or showcase a new product to customers, animated explainer videos are the ideal solution for making the complex seem simple and engaging.

#2. Live-Action Explainer Videos

Live-action explainer videos are an excellent way to bring your products or services to life in a humanized and relatable manner. Imagine having a real person demonstrating how your product works or showcasing its features in a way that resonates with your audience. These videos help create a personal connection with your viewers, making it easier for them to understand and relate to what you have to offer.

By using live-action footage, you can capture the emotions and expressions of real people, adding authenticity to your message. This can help build trust with your audience and make your brand more approachable. Whether you’re showcasing a new product, explaining a complex service, or simply telling your brand’s story, live-action explainer videos can help you communicate your message clearly and engagingly.

Furthermore, these videos have the advantage of being highly versatile and can be tailored to suit your specific needs and brand identity. You can inject humor, emotion, or any other element that will help make your content memorable and impactful.

#3. Whiteboard Animation

Whiteboard animation is a good tool for creating engaging educational content or telling captivating stories. It involves drawing and writing on a whiteboard, simulating a live illustration process that captures the audience’s attention. This visual style is not only entertaining but also effective in simplifying complex topics and making learning more fun and memorable. 

Again, it adds a touch of creativity and personalization to your content, making it stand out and resonate with your audience. So, whether you’re teaching a new concept or sharing a compelling narrative, I advise you to use whiteboard animation. Yeah! It can be the perfect choice to bring your ideas to life!

#4. 3D Animation

3D animation is an excellent tool for showcasing complex products or designs in a visually engaging way. When using 3D animation, I find that it helps bring ideas to life and allows for a detailed exploration of the product or design from different angles. It’s like being able to hold the item in your hands and examine it closely. This can be incredibly helpful for understanding its features and functionality. 

Additionally, with 3D animation, you can easily highlight specific components or processes that may be difficult to convey through traditional 2D visuals. So, I believe that using 3D animation is a great way to present intricate concepts in a clear and captivating manner.

#5. Kinetic Typography

Have you been thinking about how to make your key messages or quotes stand out dynamically and engagingly? Well, kinetic typography is the answer. By animating text to move in creative and eye-catching ways, you can effectively emphasize your message and capture your audience’s attention. It’s like giving your words a spotlight on the stage of communication, ensuring they are seen, heard, and remembered. So, if you want to add an extra punch to your content, kinetic typography is the way to go!

#6. Stop Motion Animation

Stop-motion animation is such a fun and creative technique that can add an extra touch of charm to storytelling or showcasing products. I love using stop motion in my projects because it brings in a unique and engaging element that can capture the audience’s attention in a whole new way.

The process of creating a stop-motion animation involves taking a series of still images and sequencing them together to give the illusion of movement. It’s a bit time-consuming compared to other animation techniques, but the result is definitely worth it. Also, the possibilities are endless. This means you can use various materials, objects, or even hand-drawn sketches to bring your ideas to life.

Whether you’re looking to create a whimsical story or highlight the features of a product in a visually appealing way, stop-motion animation can set your content apart and leave a lasting impression on your audience. So, next time you’re feeling creative, give stop motion a try – you might just be surprised at the magic you can create!

#7. Screencast Videos

Screencast videos are a perfect tool for providing tutorials or software demonstrations. They allow you to visually guide your audience through a process or show them how to use a particular software clearly and concisely. 

As the saying goes, “Show, don’t tell.” And that’s exactly what screencast videos enable you to do. That’s showing your audience exactly what they need to see in a hands-on way. So, with screencast videos, you can ensure that your instructions are easy to follow and that your audience fully understands the topic at hand.

#8. Testimonial Videos

Just like other types of explainer videos, testimonial videos are also good. Using testimonial videos is a great way to build trust and credibility with potential customers. When they see real people sharing their positive experiences with your product or service, it can help alleviate any doubts or hesitations they may have. In other words, testimonial videos add a personal touch and show that your business is trustworthy and reliable. 

Additionally, they can help potential customers relate to the experiences of others and envision how your offering could benefit them as well. Therefore, integrating real customer testimonials into your marketing strategy can be a powerful tool. The videos will help you establish credibility and encourage others to choose your business.

#9. Product Demo Videos

Product demo videos are a great way to demonstrate how a product works and highlight its key features. I remember a time when my team and I created a product demo video for a new mobile application for our client. We wanted to showcase how easy it was to navigate the app and highlight its unique features such as personalized user settings and real-time notifications.

In the video, we started by giving a brief overview of the app’s purpose. Then proceeded to demonstrate how to create an account, set preferences, and perform various tasks within the app. Also, we made sure to emphasize the user-friendly interface and how the app could streamline everyday tasks for our target audience.

By creating a product demo video, we were able to effectively communicate the value of our client’s mobile application and increase user engagement. It not only helped potential users understand how the app worked but also generated excitement around its launch.

#10. How-To Videos

I know among all the types of explainer videos, you know of how-to videos. Of course, how-to videos are a popular way to learn how to use a product or solve a problem. They provide step-by-step instructions in a conversational style that is easy to follow.

For example, if you want to learn how to assemble a piece of furniture, a how-to video might start by introducing the tools you will need, and then proceed to show each step of the assembly process. The narrator might provide tips and tricks along the way, making the process feel more manageable and less overwhelming.

In summary, how-to videos are a great resource for visual learners who prefer to see a task being done rather than just reading about it. Also, they can be incredibly helpful in guiding you through a new process or helping you troubleshoot a problem.

#11. Motion Graphics Videos

Imagine you have a business presentation coming up, and you need to showcase some complex data and statistics to your audience. Instead of overwhelming them with endless numbers and charts, you decide to incorporate motion graphics videos.

Here, motion graphics videos can rescue you. I mean by visually representing your data dynamically. You can use animated graphs, charts, and visuals to bring the numbers to life. And then making it easier for your audience to understand and retain the information.

These videos not only make your presentation more visually appealing but also help you effectively communicate your message, making a lasting impact on your viewers. If you need to visualize data or statistics, consider using motion graphics videos. They will help you to captivate your audience and deliver your message with style and clarity.

#12. Interactive Videos

Interactive videos are a fantastic way to engage viewers by letting them make choices and steer the content in different directions. Think of it like a “choose your own adventure” book, but in video form! This can create a more personalized and engaging experience for the audience, as they have the power to decide what happens next.

Interactive videos are perfect for a wide range of purposes. For instance, you can use them in educational settings to create interactive lessons where students can choose their path through the material. In marketing, interactive videos can create more engaging advertisements where viewers have a say in how the story unfolds. Also, they can be great for storytelling, allowing for multiple endings and outcomes based on viewer choices.

In essence, interactive videos offer a dynamic and immersive way to connect with your audience and make content more engaging and memorable. Whether you’re looking to educate, market, or entertain, interactive videos are a versatile tool that can enhance your content and make it stand out from others.

#13. Virtual Reality (VR) Videos

Virtual Reality (VR) videos are a perfect way to create immersive experiences for showcasing products or environments. Imagine being able to transport your audience to a whole new world where they can interact with your products or explore different spaces as if they were physically there. It’s like bringing a showroom or a location to life right in front of their eyes.

With VR videos, you can provide a more engaging and memorable experience for your audience. Instead of just watching a video on a screen, they can put on a VR headset and feel like they are actually inside the video, looking around and experiencing everything in 360 degrees.

So, whether you want to demonstrate a product from all angles, give a virtual tour of a property, or transport your audience to a unique location, VR videos can help you stand out and make a lasting impression. The possibilities are endless, and the immersive nature of VR videos can truly elevate your marketing efforts.

#14. Augmented Reality (AR) Videos

Augmented Reality (AR) videos have advanced the way we experience the world around us by seamlessly blending digital elements into our real-world environment. Let’s assume you’re strolling through a museum, and suddenly, with the help of AR technology, the paintings come to life right before your eyes. You can see the brushstrokes moving, hear the artist’s voice explaining their inspiration, and even interact with the artwork in ways never thought possible.

It’s like stepping into a whole new dimension where imagination meets reality in the most captivating way imaginable. For this reason, AR videos truly have the power to transform ordinary experiences into extraordinary adventures.

#15. FAQ Videos

The last but not the least on my list is FAQ videos. These videos help to address common questions or concerns that your audience may have. By providing answers in a video format, you can engage with your audience in a more personal and interactive manner. 

FAQ videos can help build trust and credibility with your viewers, as well as provide valuable information in a concise and easy-to-understand way. So don’t underestimate the power of FAQ videos in connecting with your audience and addressing their needs effectively.

Having given you different types of explainer videos, each serves a specific purpose. This means choosing the right one depends on your objectives and target audience. Whether you aim to educate, entertain, or convert viewers into customers, there is a suitable explainer video format for every content.

So, download the checklist below for creating engaging explainer videos that meet your marketing goals.

Organizing and Creating Effective Explainer Videos

What Is An Explainer Video? 

An explainer video is a short and engaging video that explains a concept, product, or service in a simple and easy-to-understand way. It often uses animation or motion graphics to visually demonstrate the key points. Hence, think of it as a fun and informative video that quickly gets your message across to your audience.

What Should Be Included In An Explainer Video? 

An explainer video should include a clear and concise explanation of a product, service, or concept. It should have engaging visuals, a script that is easy to understand, and a call to action at the end to prompt viewers to take the next step.

For example, let’s say you’re creating an explainer video for a new mobile app. You would want to showcase the app’s key features. That’s through animations or demonstrations, explaining how users can benefit from it, and encouraging viewers to download the app at the end of the video. If you keep it informative and engaging, your explainer video can effectively communicate your message to the audience.

How Do Explainer Videos Increase Sales? 

Explainer Videos increase sales in many ways. Assuming you visit a website and within a couple of minutes, an explainer video pops up explaining the product or service in a fun and informative way. It captures your attention, keeps you interested, and clearly explains the benefits and features of what they are offering. 

This helps potential customers understand the value of the product or service quickly and encourages them to make a purchase. Plus, videos are easily shareable, so they can reach a wider audience and attract more potential customers. 

Are Explainer Videos Profitable? 

Explainer videos can be incredibly profitable for businesses. For example, a potential customer visits your website, but they are confused about your product or service. They stumble upon an engaging explainer video that quickly and clearly explains what you offer and how it can benefit them. This clarity can lead to increased conversions and sales. 

Plus, explainer videos are easily shareable on social media platforms, expanding your reach even further. So, investing in a high-quality explainer video can pay off in terms of profitability and growth for your business.

Are Explainer Videos Still Effective?

One thing I must tell you is that no commitment is a waste. Absolutely, nowadays, explainer videos continue to be a powerful tool for businesses to convey their message. With attention spans getting shorter, these videos help grab and retain the viewer’s attention quickly. 

Whether you are introducing a new product, explaining a complex concept, or simply aiming to increase brand awareness, explainer videos can still make a significant impact on your target audience. So, don’t underestimate the power of a well-created explainer video in your marketing strategy. Be serious and watch out for a positive result.

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