Understanding the Purpose of a Press Release: A Guide to Building Credibility and SEO

Purpose of a press release
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Press releases are commonly used PR tools for media success. They are an effective way to stimulate conversation around important professional events. There can be many reasons why a brand may want to disseminate a press release. However, like other PR basics, the purpose of a press release remains fairly consistent. So, this article will explain the purpose of a press release as a PR tool.


  • A press release is a concise statement, or a tool PR specialists use to provide specific information. It serves as a strategy to build brand awareness and be acknowledged by customer markets.
  • A press release aims to help build or increase a brand’s credibility. It helps build your SEO just like your blog articles and is often used for announcements like upcoming events, financial news, Brand launches, etc.
  • The press release is versatile, so it allows you to create engaging and shareable content on various platforms.
  • The key difference between a press release and regular marketing content depends on their focus on newsworthiness.
  • A press release follows the inverted pyramid writing style, where you start with the most important information. It has eye-catching headlines that attract attention quickly and cover the 5Ws, making your press release more understanding and engaging.

What is the Purpose of Press Release

A press release is a brief statement or a tool that PR specialists use to provide specific information about a brand, product launch, new business update, special event, etc. A press release also serves as a strategy to build brand awareness and be acknowledged in customer markets.

I remember working with a nonprofit organization, “Community Hope, some time ago. I wanted to attract new supporters and generate buzz to help raise the funds we needed to support various community programs. So, they hosted their annual fundraising gala, an important event to help raise these funds. Moreover, to achieve this, I crafted a press release that focused on the event’s importance. I strategized it to feature key speakers to emphasize the impact of the organization’s work.

Also, it includes an inspiring quote from the executive director and details on how the funds would be. Local news outlets and community blogs picked up this press release once it was distributed. In addition, it brought much attendance to the fundraising, and many donations were made. This experience taught me the power of a well-written press release as a strategic tool that helps increase brand visibility and credibility. The following video will shed some light on the purpose of a press release.

Read Also: News Release vs. Press Release: What’s the Difference and When to Use Each?

Purpose of a Press Release 

Now that I have explained a press release, you might want to know its purpose and how to distinguish it from regular marketing materials. The following explains the press release’s purpose and why businesses are still writing well-written press releases.

#1. They Build Credibility 

A press release helps build or increase a brand’s credibility since it goes out to journalists. These Journalists have a strict code of ethics, which makes people trust them. They have convinced people that any article they read has been checked thoroughly and is not biased. So, including a press release in a portfolio of content on your website will help increase the trust of your current and potential customers. 

I remember working on a press release for Green Thread, a fashion brand, in partnership with a well-known environmental organization, agreeing to plant a tree for every purchase. This news was picked up by many credible fashion magazines and blogs. So, the articles these journalists wrote added more credibility to green threads. This experience taught me that drafting a well-written press release causes you to develop a good and strong relationship with journalists, which will help increase the possibility of accepting your pitches and always publishing your press releases.

#2. They Build SEO 

A press release is a valuable content for your website. When you consistently post a press release on your website with relevant keywords and links, it also helps you build your SEO naturally. It will definitely build your SEO, just like your blog articles. Moreover, when press releases give the readers valuable content, Google algorithms will see it and raise your rankings on search engine results (SERPs). I once had the opportunity to witness the effect of a well-crafted press release on a company’s website SEO.

The company, Quinn’s Bite, decided to launch a plant-based protein snack made out of peas. So, as a content writer, I was tasked with creating a compelling press release that would generate interest and improve Quinn’s Bite search engine rankings. In that case, I carefully included relevant keywords such as” plant-based snacks” and “healthy snacking options” in each of the press releases; it did not just contain an announcement but also contained helpful information that gave insight into the benefits pea protein and Quinn’s Bite commitment to sustainable practices.

As they continued publishing press releases and sharing with targeted media channels, Google algorithm rewarded Quinn’s Bite effort by recognizing the relevance and quality of the content I wrote for the company. This drove more organic traffic to the company’s website and assisted in boosting their brand awareness.

#3. They Announced Newsworthy Content 

A press release is often used for announcements, and it is a perfect medium to create excitement and interest within your industry or niche: here are some press release announcements: 

  • Upcoming events 
  • New products and services are released.
  • Change in management
  • Study results 
  • Financial news
  • Branding launches 
  • New business models

With my experience in writing a press release, I can tell you that the key difference between a press release and regular marketing content depends on their focus on newsworthiness. Press releases should mimic news articles, offering useful and timely information that interests journalists and readers. So, I suggest that before you craft a press release, always ask yourself if the topic is something you expect to see in a daily newspaper. Always consider whether the topic is relevant to journalists and readers.

Also, consider why they will find the press release compelling. In this way, you will ensure that the press release is informative and engaging, increasing its opportunity to be picked up and published.

#4. They are Easy Content

When it comes to adding value to websites and social media channels, press releases also serve a useful purpose. Since press releases usually come with quotes, statistics, and infographics, they can be separated into their own content. For example, I can take one infographic from a press release and use it for 

  • Blog post diving deeper into the topic
  • Social media post 
  • Slideshow presentations

When I worked for Techsolve Solutions, a tech startup that launched an innovative app. The event’s press release announcement had many compelling quotes from the CEO, impressive statistics about the app’s features, and an infographic that displayed its user interface. I turned these elements into a blog post examining the app’s function deeply. I even used the infographic in another presentation at a tech conference.

Therefore, a press release is versatile, so it allows you to create engaging and shareable content on various platforms. Additionally, creating different portfolio pages for the Techsolve Solutions website helped improve its SEO also gave curious customers and journalists a glimpse into the company’s innovative projects 

#5. They Create Momentum 

Finally, another unseen purpose of press releases is that they help to create a story for your business. Press releases can help to shape the story of a company. I saw this in action at Bright Tech Solutions. They embarked on a mission to transform solar energy solutions. So, my team created a press release that wasn’t just for announcements but also to build a narrative of their innovation in progress.

My team and I created a timeline that presented Brightech’s journey and growth by presenting this press release in a portfolio on their website. These press releases became an important part of BrightTech’s brand story, informing potential customers, investors, and journalists about the company’s plans. These pressure releases provide a snapshot of how Bright Tech advanced over time and showed its commitment to pioneering the solar energy industry. 

Read Also: How to Write an Effective Event Press Release: (Practical Examples)

What’s in a Press Release 

A press release can contain a wide range of structures, but it is always short and presents factual information that is relevant to a business audience. It follows the inverted pyramid writing style, where you start with the most important information. Any press release written in an inverted pyramid writing style makes it easy for you to understand the essence of the news.

As a writer, whenever I read a well-written press release, it captures my attention easily and makes it easier for me to get the key information quickly, ensuring that the news gets the spotlights it deserves. Moreover, the following are the elements to include in a press release 

Headline and Introduction 

Press releases always have eye-catching headlines that attract attention quickly. The press release headlines present evidence of the content of the press release. An effective headline usually communicates the main message of a press release concisely. 


This appears right after the headline, and it usually starts with the date and location, after which it gives a brief summary of what the readers expect to learn. 

Main Content

I have crafted some press releases for many organizations, and I have come to appreciate the importance of covering the five importance of five elements of reporting. These elements will make your press release more understanding and engaging. The following are the 5Ws of reporting.


A press release may feature subjects who the new press release is meant to help, who is partnering with a company, or who is acquiring the business. For example, when I wrote a press release for a company called BrightTech. My team and I emphasized key players, including the CEO, project team, and partners. 


This points out the main topic or message of the press release; it might be announcing a new CEO or addressing a sensitive issue. For BrightTech, this means describing the launch of its innovative solar panel technology and highlighting what makes it unique and newsworthy. 


This element may point out to the physical location of an upcoming event of a company or an online location like live streaming on a social media platform. 


This is where a press release shares important dates, such as when a special event will happen. For BrightTech, I included the launch date and some important upcoming events related to the press release. It helps to create a sense of urgency and timeliness


This is the most important part of the press release. It can be sharing why the company is making an internal change or introducing a new product, including why this action fits with the business’s values and beliefs. For example, when I wrote a press release for BrightTech, the press release expressed why the launch was important, not just for BrightTech but for the renewable energy sector as a whole.

I also included the environmental impact and potential benefits for the consumers. So, following this structure can help you deliver your message clearly and focus on the most important details you want the readers to know. 

Moreover, the following is a template that will help you craft a well-written press release.

Lamphills Press Release Template

What Is the Objective of a Media Release?

A press release aims to gain the interest of the media channels and provide them with an angle on how to position the story.

What Is the Most Important Thing in a Press Release?

Creating a Clear and Informational Summary Even though the headline seems to be the most important part of the press release, the summary also is important. The summary should be clear and informative and include the most relevant information you want to communicate, such as who, what, where, why, and when.

What Do Journalists Want in a Press Release?

Journalists want you to provide vital information and data in the press release. So, show data and results where necessary. Also, they want you to explain the information you provide in the lede, beginning from the most newsworthy information to the other less, which means writing in an inverted pyramid style. 

What Makes a Bad Press Release?

When you have a weak headline, it can affect your press release negatively. Journalists and readers can dismiss your press release regardless of its quality. It may be common mistakes like the use of passive voice, generic phrases, and a lack of clarity or specificity in your press release headline.


  1. How to Write a Partnership Press Release: Expert Tips and Examples to Build Trust and Showcase Authority
  2. How to Write a Press Release for an Event: The Ultimate Guide With Free Templates
  3. Not All Press Is Good Press: Exploring the Impact of Different Types of Press
  4. What Are Press Pages?: Understanding What Works and How to Create One (+ Examples and Templates)
  5. Media Pitch vs. Press Release: How I Differentiate Them.
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